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Showing posts from September, 2020

Is Superman boring and overpowered?

Hey guys. I'd like to state my opinion on a topic in superhero fiction that is recurrent every now and then, which is why the title of this piece is a question. A question that has to do with one of the most popular superheroes who has numerous appearances in comic books, animated properties and live action adaptations. Personally, I think he is one of the most misunderstood superheroes as well. People generally have a way of summarizing things they have seen at one point in time or the other whether they are interested in it or not. For instance, if someone mentions a book or a movie you have read or seen before, you'd be inclined to pass your opinions on it. So when the word 'Superman' pops up, folks tend to go all 'meh, he's boring' Superman is referred to as a boring character because he seems very straightforward in the sense that his world isn't so deep or that intriguing or even relatable to the human society. It's basically this dude with pow...